PLEASE treat this as interesting historical background. It is not intended to be a marketing exercise telling us how wonderful you are. A glance at any of the existing contributions should give you a good idea. Avoid anything which is date-specific so that you do not constantly have to revise it (eg “last year, we”).
What appears is usually verbatim what you write, though we reserve the right to edit. In your piece, please provide the following, though not categorised as a} b} c) etc. or even in this order:
a) up to four pictures of your ground (usually), or picturesque pavilion, not necessarily with cricket being played. Best possible quality; we can reduce it to fit. Send as separate JPEG or similar attachments (please, NOT zipped). Can all go in one email, though.
b) a very brief history (200 words?) of cricket at your school, with mentions of any really famous players. We’re talking about Test match status.
c) any of your former pupils currently playing first-class cricket.
d) any unusual features or interesting aspects of cricket at your school.
e) directions to the ground (a link to the school’s website is fine).
A glance at any of the existing contributions should give you a good idea.