For a list and map of all cricketing schools in the British Isles (including Southern Ireland), arranged by region, click here
As the entries for 2021 are still in a state of flux, the Google map will not be published until things have settled down. Below is the 2019 map.
See below for a Google map of all schools participating in the 2021 National Schools Twenty20 competition. This takes a few moments to load].
For best results
1) View on a laptop NOT an iPad because the search facility may not work on the latter if you have the Google maps iPad app installed (which you probably have).
2) Click on the Full Screen icon (top right).
3) Click on the + button (usually bottom left) twice, or more as you wish; or the – button to zoom out again.
4) To find a particular school (or Master i/c), start typing the name in the box at the top and then click on it when it appears. If there is no box, click on the magnifying glass and the box will appear.
5) Click on the pointer to see the address and exact location. The Master i/c cricket is shown by name but we do not publish contact details. If you wish to contact Masters i/c please send an email to [email protected]
6) Use the hand symbol to move the map around (or your fingers on some devices).
PLEASE NOTE: the marker on the map usually shows the school itself and not necessarily the playing fields. The entry includes the school’s address and general telephone number and a link to the school’s own website.
If you would like me to move the marker to the site of your playing field, please send me the co-ordinates. To learn how to do this (it’s very easy) click here.
7) You can also see further details (eg directions) of any school by clicking on “View in Google maps”.